Saturday, June 14, 2008

Graduation 2008

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. Between working, sewing and also being sick with bronchitis, I haven't had time to stamp or scrapbook.

A very sweet girl at our church graduated from high school and I made her these very cute RSVP pens. Rochelle Wick sent me some of the graduation girls so that I could make the pens. For instructions, click here. Here is the ones that I made for Robin. I also created this board for her with pictures of her growing up. Her Mom had to be very sneaking so that we could surprise her but we were able to pull it off.

Also over the past 2 months, I've been working on a scrapbook calendar for my pastor's wife. It was very hard keeping this from her. I mainly used pictures that I had taken over the years. She was very surprised and was touched. Here is a sample of what i did. and her reaction.


JoAnna Goodman said...

So sorry to hear you've been sick. Glad you're back to crafting! The graduation gifts were thoughtful!

JoAnna Goodman said...

Also, I love the calendar you did for your pastor's wife. I know she will cherish it!

Amy said...

Glad you are feeling better. I know your pastor's wife LOVED the calendar. What a great gift.